



*This information is for familes of grade 3 students who will be in grade 4 for the 2024-2025 school year. 


  • 2024年1月-家长外展
  • 2024年2月
    • 资料收集及检讨.  No application necessary for current MCPS students.  
    • Deadline for private/homeschooled students to submit documents - 2024年2月26日 (更多的信息
    • 彩票进行
  • 2024年4月8日那一周 Central Review and Lottery Results sent to families
  • 2024年4月16日- 4月23日 邀请家庭活动在CES网站
  • 2024年4月26日 -对中央覆核结果提出上诉的截止日期

Top 5 Things to Know About the Central Review Process and Enriched Literacy in Grades 4 and 5

Las 5 cosas principales que debe saber sobre la literatura enriquecida de 4to. 梯度电子学

The central review process that occurs during Grade 3 is designed to review student academic profiles and identify students who may need enriched literacy services for Grades 4 and 5.  学生 identified as needing enriched literacy services will receive services in their local elementary school, typically through the Enriched Literacy Curriculum (ELC), or be placed by lottery in one of the Centers for Enriched Studies (CES).

Local and regional elementary school programs offer enriched literacy programming that enriches and extends the MCPS curriculum. 学生 who attend a regional CES program attend this school full time.  A student’s home address determines which CES site they are eligible for.

  1. There is no application or action for MCPS families of Grade 3 students.
  2. The central review will consider student data such as report cards, MAP-R分数(局部规范), 学生服务, 阅读水平.  
  3. The central review will occur after the close of the Winter MAP Window.  抽签将于3月中旬举行.  Families will receive results letters in early April.
  4. This process is separate from the math course placement process and the Gifted and Talented designation process.
  5. Gifted and Talented designation is not a consideration or requirement for participation in the ELC or the CES lottery process.


  • DCCAPS@mcpsmd.org questions about the central review and the lottery process
  • AEIQuestions@mcpsmd.org questions about the CES curriculum and the GT Identification process



The Centers for Enriched Studies provide a learning environment for Grade 4 and Grade 5 students that enriches, 加速, and extends the MCPS reading language arts curriculum. It is designed to meet the needs of gifted and motivated learners in language arts, science, 还有社会研究. The program focuses on critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills.



入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students.   



区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

露西五号的强化研究中心. 巴恩斯利小学 serves the following attendance areas:

  • 理查德•蒙哥马利
  • 罗克维尔市
  • Wheaton
  • MSMC支线学校(布鲁克海文ES, 格鲁吉亚森林ES, 和和山东, 萨金特·施莱佛,ES, Strathmore西文, 维耶斯·米尔, 韦勒道东, 惠顿伍兹ES) 


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Centers for Enriched Studies, parents may need to provide transportation to the central stop.





应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 


区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at 雪佛兰蔡斯小学 serves the following attendance areas:

  • 沃尔特·惠特曼
  • Bethesda-Chevy追逐
  • 沃尔特•约翰逊


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.




应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 


区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at 清泉小学 serves the following attendance areas:

  • 大马士革
  • Clarksburg
  • 塞内加谷 (Cabin Branch ES, Gibbs ES, and Clarksburg ES)


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 



区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.  

The Center for Enriched Studies at 冷泉小学 serves the following attendance areas:

  • 温斯顿·丘吉尔
  • 托马斯年代. Wootton


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 



区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at Drew ES serves the following attendance areas:

  • 詹姆斯·休伯特·布莱克
  • 油漆分支
  • Springbrook
  • Sherwood


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 


区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at 福克斯教堂 ES serves the following attendance areas:

  • 西北
  • Poolesville
  • 贴梗海棠果园
  • 塞内加谷
  • 克拉克斯堡(福克斯教堂ES,戴利ES)


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 



区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at 米尔克里克镇小学 serves the following attendance areas:

  • 盖瑟斯堡
  • 马格鲁德
  • 沃特金斯米尔


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple measures and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 



区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at  橡树景小学 serves the following attendance areas:


  • 蒙哥马利布莱尔
  • 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
  • John F. Kennedy
  • 诺斯伍德


  • 东银泉
  • 植物的歌手
  • 福里斯特·诺尔斯小学
  • 高地视图
  • 橡树的观点
  • 滚动平台
  • 斯莱戈溪
  • Woodlin


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





应用程序 (更多关于招生的信息)

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a competitive criteria based process.  The process uses multiple criteria and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students. 


区域 (更多关于区域的信息)

区域 centers serve a designated catchment that is based on a geographic area. Your local elementary school can help identify the center to which your home address is assigned.

The Center for Enriched Studies at  松冠小学 serves the following attendance areas:


  • 蒙哥马利布莱尔
  • 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
  • John F. Kennedy
  • 诺斯伍德


  • Arcola
  • 格伦还
  • Glenallan
  • 高地
  • 奥克兰露台
  • 松树顶
  • 岩石的观点
  • 坎普机


中心位置站点(有限地理区域) (更多关于交通的信息)

MCPS provides transportation from central stops for students in the Elementary Center Programs for the Highly Gifted, 从项目所服务的领域.





The following schools have Centers for Enriched Studies that serve their local population only.  

入学 to the Centers for Enriched Studies is a criteria based, centrally managed process.  The process uses multiple criteria and begins with a central review of all current MCPS Grade 3 students.


  • 雷切尔·卡森
  • 松枝ES
  • Spark M. Matsunaga西文
  • Stonegate西文